Father-Daughter Breakfast

One of Wayland's best and longest-standing traditions, the Father-Daughter Breakfasts are open to all Wayland elementary school aged children K-5 and their fathers. By some accounts, these breakfasts have been running for 30+ years!

The breakfasts are a great way to connect with other Wayland dads and daughters in a fun, welcoming environment. We meet the first Wednesday of each month throughout the school year at Mel's Commonwealth Cafe to enjoy breakfast together, share town updates and kids' highlights, and end with a fun-filled raffle. 

To sign-up specifically for the next Father - Daughter breakfast email list or just want to learn more, please contact Evan Berenson (evanberenson@gmail.com).

2023-2024 Breakfast Dates:

  • January 10

  • February 7

  • March 6

  • April 3

  • May 1

  • June 5

*Run by volunteers, the Mel’s Breakfast are independently run from Wayland Dads. Currently, there is no Father-Son Breakfast but we would love for someone to volunteer to help start that up. If you or someone you know are interested, please let us know.